About Me

I'm a baby. I'm cute. I like to look at other babies. I like to wave, play with Elmo and practice my new singing voice. Did I mention I'm cute? I love my mom! I love my dad! Hula rocks too!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Birthday Party!!!

Mommy and daddy hosted a breakfast bash for me at the park! We had yummy food (daddy made quiche), a super cool Elmo cake and lots of friends! My Uncle Ian flew down for the big day. Thank god for him! Mommy was sick so he had to do all the setting up (and cleaning up) while daddy stayed home getting the quiches ready. We took my roller coaster to the park to share it with all the babies. They LOVED it! I was so happy to share it, as long as I could chill on the swings! I thoroughly enjoyed mashing my hands around in that buttercream and then putting them in my mouth (and my hair). Thank you to everyone who made this a special day for me! PS, check the pink dress--don't I look cute in it?? Uncle Ian got that for me--good taste, uncle, GOOD taste!

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